Interaction DESIGN for MUSIC Summer Camp
May 30 - June 3, 2016
Louisiana State University, Digital Media Center
Invent your own new musical interaction by integrating topics from computer music, digital art, design, and electrical engineering! The sky is the limit — show us your creative side and get prototyping!
Who: Junior High and High-school students. This is a beginner course, basic computer skills required. For those interested in learning about digital music, digital art, sound art, and product design.
In this camp, you will:
learn how to make new musical instruments and sound art objects using the Raspberry Pi.
maneuver through a series of exercises in prototyping with waveforms, sound synthesizers, loudspeakers, and generative music.
build your own switches, LED strips, lighting design, proximity sensors, performance platforms, and more!
Registration/Cost: $125 per person. Click here to register.
Participants must provide their own transportation and lunches. Bring coins for snack/coke machines. Refrigerator and microwave can be made available if needed. Please mark lunches clearly with students name. CCT will accept participants on a first-come, first-serve basis. Limited seats available so register early.
Taught by: Edgar Berdahl, LSU Assistant Professor of Experimental Music and Digital Media, and Center for Computation & Technology
Hye Yeon Nam, LSU Assistant Professor of College of Art & Design
and Rick Snow, Assistant Professor, Tulane University Department of Music
Schedule: Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Location: LSU Campus, Digital Media Center, Room 1034. Map it!
For questions or special needs, contact Karen Jones at kjones@cct.lsu.edu or 225-578-0595.
For all LSU Center for Computation & Technology summer camp information, visit https://www.cct.lsu.edu/cct-events. For a listing of other LSU pre-college camp offerings visit: www.lsu.edu/camps.